BBI is delighted to be involved with the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) team as it moves towards the exciting phase of implementation and scale and will also help to coordinate the pilot site in Syracuse and to it move towards fruition and success.
GPII is a project of Raising the Floor, a consortium of academic, industry, and non-governmental organizations and individuals. The purpose of the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) is to ensure that everyone who faces accessibility barriers due to disability, literacy, digital literacy, or aging, regardless of economic resources, can access and use the Internet and all its information, communities, and services for education, employment, daily living, civic participation, health, and safety. The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure, a cloud-based personalized interface system that could change the landscape of assistive technologies. The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) would allow people who cannot use the standard interfaces on devices to create their own personalized interface settings and then invoke these interface adaptations, automatically, on any device, anywhere, anytime. In other words, someone who needs magnification, high contrast, captions, text-to-voice, or other interface adaptions will simply setup a profile that describes their needs, and any device that they use, such as an ATM, ticket machine, library or school computer, will access their stored profile on the Cloud and automatically change the device’s settings to match their needs.
In partnership with GPII, BBI will engage in three roles in this grant: (1) Contribution to the design of Pilot Test designs and Metrics; (2) Coordination of GPII-APCP teams with Pathways Project as one of the GPII-APCP pilots and general management of the Pathways-GPII-Pilot; and (3) Subject matter experts to GPII-APCP team in multiple areas, in general and for the stakeholder work.
BBI works individually and in partnership to advance inclusion of individuals with disabilities by ensuring an accessible World Wide Web and accessible technologies. BBI has been involved in ensuring greater access by leading corporations, worked with the Department of Labor’s Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology, and led the Center for Effective Rehabilitation Technology.
BBI’s chair, Peter Blanck, will lead this endeavor. His research and writings have been focused on ensuring equal access to the web for individuals with cognitive disabilities.