University Professor, BBI Chairman, Ph.D., J.D.
pblanck@syr.eduCurriculum Vita (PDF)
Dr. Blanck is University Professor at Syracuse University, which is the highest faculty rank, granted to eight prior individuals in the history of the University. He is Chairman of the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University.
Blanck holds appointments at the Syracuse University Colleges of Law, and Arts and Sciences, David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, School of Education, and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Prior to his appointment at Syracuse, Blanck was Kierscht Professor of Law and director of the Law, Health Policy, and Disability Center at the University of Iowa. Blanck is Honorary Professor, Centre for Disability Law & Policy, at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Blanck received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Rochester, a Juris Doctor from Stanford University, where he was President of the Stanford Law Review, and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard University.
Blanck has written articles and books on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related laws, and received grants to study disability law and policy. Blanck is Chairman of the Global Universal Design Commission (GUDC), and former President of Raising the Floor (RtF) USA. He is a former member of the President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, a former Senior Fellow of the Annenberg Washington Program, a former Fellow at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School, and has been a Mary Switzer Scholar. Prior to teaching, Blanck practiced law at the Washington, DC firm Covington & Burling, and served as law clerk to the late Honorable Carl McGowan of the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.
Blanck’s books include:
- Disability Law and Policy (2024, 2nd ed., Foundation Press).
- Advanced Introduction to Disability Law, (2023, Elgar Publishing).
- Disability Law and Policy (2020).
- Supported Decision-Making: From Justice for Jenny to Justice for All (with Jonathan Martinis, 2019).
- Supported Decision-Making: Theory, Research, and Practice to Enhance Self-Determination and Quality of Life (with Shogren, Wehmeyer, Martinis, 2019).
- Heavy Laden: Union Veterans, Psychological Illness, and Suicide (with Logue, 2018).
- Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights (with Flynn, 2017).
- e-Quality: The Struggle for Web Accessibility by People with Cognitive Disabilities (2014).
- Genetic Discrimination–Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response (with Quinn & de Paor, 2014).
- People with Disabilities: Sidelined or Mainstreamed? (with Schur & Kruse, 2013).
- Legal Rights of Persons with Disabilities: An Analysis of Federal Law (with Goldstein & Myhill, 2013).
- Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy (with Myhill, Siegal, & Waterstone, 3d ed., 2014).
- Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: Veterans and Benefits in Post-Civil War America (with Logue, 2010).
- Employment, Disability, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (2000).
- The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Emerging Workforce (1998).
- Hyseni,F., Avila-Acosta, M., Goodman, N., Pagano, G., Lawson, S., Whaley, B., Williamson, P., & Blanck, P. (2025). Dismantling Barriers: How Intersectionality Between Race, Disability, and Other Characteristics Affect Employment Outcomes. Burton Blatt Institute Research Brief #1 – January 2025.
- Schur, L., Ameri, M., Kruse, D. & Blanck, P. (2024). Introduction to Special Issue: The New Frontier of Disability Employment on the 50th Anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Blanck, P. (2024). Disability Law and Policy, 2nd ed. Foundation Press.
- Goodman, N., Wise, F. A., Hyseni, F., Gilbert, L., & Blanck, P. (2024). Disability Inclusion in Corporate Supplier Diversity Initiatives. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation doi:10.1007/s10926-024-10190-2.
- Hyseni, F., Goodman, N., & Blanck, P. (2024). Who Requests and Receives Workplace Accommodations? An Intersectional Analysis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1007/s10926-024-10172-4.
- Blanck, P. (2023). Advanced Introduction to Disability Law, Elgar Publishing.
- Blanck, P. (2023). Supported Decision-Making: Emerging Paradigm in Research, Law, and Policy. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 34(1), 3–7.
- Blanck, P., Hyseni, F., Goodman, N. (2023). Economic Inclusion and Empowerment of People with Disabilities. In: Rioux, M.H., Viera, J., Buettgen, A., Zubrow, E. (eds) Handbook of Disability. Springer, Singapore.
- Kline, R., Morris, M., Goodman, N., & Peter Blanck, P. (2022). Disability Reparations and the Modernization of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, The N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 24, 377.
- Blanck, P. (2022). The Americans with Disabilities Act at Thirty Years, in Combating Exclusion, Embracing Inclusion: Critical and Analytical Essays on Disability Rights Jurisprudence and the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, 23-56, (Eds. Sanjay Jain & Tresa Paul), Indian Social Institute, New Deli, India.
- Harpur, P., Hyseni, F., & Blanck, P. (2022). Workplace COVID-19 Health Surveillance and Algorithmic Disability Discrimination, Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
- Blanck, P. (2022). Disability Inclusive Employment, Cancer Survivorship, and the American with Disabilities Act, Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
- Hyseni, F., Myderrizi A., & Blanck, P. (2022). Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Disclosure of Cancer and Other Conditions by Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers Who identify as LGBTQ+, Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
- Blanck, P. (2022). Book Review, The Legacies of Institutionalisation: Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community, Claire Spivakovsky, Linda Steele, & Penelope Weller (eds.), International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63, 1-4.
- Shogren, K.A., Dean, E., Linnenkamp, B., Raley, S., Martinis, J., & Blanck, P. (2021). Supported Decision Making, in Decision Making by Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Integrating Research into Practice, 21-45 (Eds. I. Khemka & L. Hickson), Springer Nature, Switzerland.
- Schneiders, C., Saks, S., Martinis, J., & Blanck, P. (2021). Psychiatric Advanced Directives and Supported Decision-Making: Preliminary Developments and Pilot Studies in California, in Mental Health, Human Rights, and Legal Capacity, 288-301 (Eds. M. Stein, F. Mahomed, C. Sunkel, V. Patel) Cambridge University Press, New York.
- Blanck, P. (2021). On the Importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act at Thirty, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, August 2021, 1-23. doi: 1177/10442073211036900
- Blanck, P., Hyseni, F., & Altunkol Wise, F. (2021). Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Discrimination and Bias Reported by Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers Who Identify as LGBTQ+, American Journal of Law & Medicine, 47, 9-61. doi:10.1017/amj.2021.1 Full journal:
- Martinis, J., Harris, J., Fox, D., & Blanck, P. (2021). State Guardianship Laws and Supported Decision- Making in the United States: Analysis and Implications for Research, Education, and Advocacy, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1-9. doi: 10.1177/10442073211028586.
- Blanck, P. (2021). Supported Decision-Making: Emerging Paradigm in Research, Law, and Policy. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, doi: 10.1177/10442073211023168
- Blanck, P. (2021). Thirty Years of The Americans With Disabilities Act: Law Students And Lawyers As Plaintiffs And Advocates. The N.Y.U. Review of Law and Social Change.
- Blanck, P. (2020). Disability Inclusive Employment and the Accommodation Principle: Emerging Issues in Research, Policy, and Law. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Blanck, P., Hyseni, F., & Altunkol Wise, F. (2020).Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Workplace Accommodations for Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers Who identify as LGBTQ+. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Blanck, P., Abdul-Malak,Y., Adya, M., Hyseni, F., Killeen, M., & Altunkol Wise, F. (2020). Diversity and Inclusion In The American Legal Profession: First Phase Findings From A National Study of Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers who Identify As LGBTQ+. University of the District of Columbia Law Review David A. Clarke School of Law Volume 23 Spring 2020 Number 1.
- Harpur, P., Blanck, P. (2020). Gig Workers with Disabilities: Opportunities, Challenges, and Regulatory Response. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Blanck, P., Harpur, P. (2020). California’s Response to the Status of Gig Workers with Disabilities: An Update. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Logue, L., Blanck, P. (2020). Before the Accommodation Principle: Disability and Employment Among Union Army Veterans. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Blanck, P. (2020). Disability Law and Policy, Foundation Press.
- Karrie Shogren, Michael Wehmeyer, Jonathan Martinis, Peter Blanck. (2019). Supported Decision-Making: Theory, Research, and Practice to Enhance Self-Determination and Quality of Life. Cambridge University Press.
- Martinis, J. & Blanck, P.. (2019). Supported Decision-Making: From Justice for Jenny to Justice for All. Something Else Solutions Press.
- Morris, M., Goodman, N., Baker, A., Palmore, K., & Blanck, P. (2019). Closing the Disability Gap: Reforming the Community Reinvestment Act Regulatory Framework. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy, XXVI (3), 347-74.
- Blanck, P. (2019). Why America is Better Off Because of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Touro Law Review, 35, 605-18.
- Peter Blanck & Jonathan Martinis . (2018). “The Right to Make Choices”: Supported Decision-Making Activities in The United States. Vicente M., Ed., La voluntad de la persona protegida: Oportunidades, riesgos y salvaguardias. (pp. 27-37). Madrid: Dykinson, S.L..
- Larry Logue, Peter Blanck. (2018). Heavy Laden. Cambridge University Press, Online ISBN: 9781316459782.
- Dilip V. Jeste, Graham M. L. Eglit, Barton W. Palmer, Jonathan G. Martinis, Peter Blanck & Elyn R. Saks. (2018). Supported Decision Making in Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/00332747.2017.1324697.
- Paul Harpur, Ursula Connolly, Peter Blanck. (2017). Socially Constructed Hierarchies of Impairments: The Case of Australian and Irish Workers’ Access to Compensation for Injuries. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. DOI 10.1007/s10926-017-9745-7.
- Peter Blanck, Meera Adya. (2017). Future Directions in Employment, Occupational Rehabilitation, and Disability: Introduction to the Special Section.Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, DOI 10.1007/s10926-017-9741-y.
- Lisa Schur, Kyongji Han, Andrea Kim, Mason Ameri, Peter Blanck, Douglas Kruse. (2017). Disability at Work: A Look Back and Forward. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Vol 23, No 3 (2017).
- Hatice Uyanik, Karrie A. Shogren, Peter Blanck. (2017). Supported Decision-Making: Implications from Positive Psychology for Assessment and Intervention in Rehabilitation and Employment. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 23(3), 1-9.
- Peter Blanck. (2017). “Destiny Arms,” a Global Universal Design Commission Living Laboratory.
- Giannoumi, G., Land, M., Beyene, W., & Blanck, P. (2017). Web accessibility and technology protection measures: Harmonizing the rights of persons with cognitive disabilities and copyright protections on the web. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(1), article 5.
- Anna Arstein-KerslakeMelbourne, Joanne Watson, Michelle Browning, Jonathan Martinis, Peter Blanck. (2017). Future Directions in Supported Decision-Making. Disability Studies Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 1.
- Peter Blanck & Eilionóir Flynn (Eds.). (2017). Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
- Peter Blanck. (2017). eQuality: The Right to the Web, in Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights, 166-94, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
- Peter Blanck, Tina Campanella, & Jonathan Martinis. (2017). Advocacy and Legal Considerations to Ensure Civil Rights, in A Comprehensive Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (eds. Michael Wehmeyer, Ivan Brown, Maire Percy, Karrie Shogren, & Alan Fung), xx-xx (2nd ed., 2017, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company).
- Peter Blanck. (2017). Disability in Prison. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2.
- Kerstin Ekberg, Glenn Pransky, Elyssa Besen, Jean-Baptise Fassier, Michael Feuerstein, Fehmidah Munir, Peter Blanck, Hopkinton Conference Working Group on Workplace Disability Prevention. (2016). New Business Structures Creating Organizational Opportunities and Challenges for Work Disability Prevention. Occup Rehabil, doi:10.1007/s10926-016-9671-0.
- Glenn Pransky, Jean-Baptise Frassier, Elyssa Besen, Peter Blanck, Kerstin Ekberg, Michael Feuerstein, Fehmidah Munir, the Hopkinton Conference Working Group on Workplace Disability Prevention. (2016). Sustaining Work Participation Across the Life Course. Occup Rehabil, DOI 10.1007/s10926-016-9670-1.
- Peter Blanck (2016), eQuality: The Right to the Web, in Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights, 166-94, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
- Peter Blanck, Eilionóir Flynn (Eds.) (2016), Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
- Peter Blanck (2016). Universal Architectural Design and People with Disabilities, Numbers Magazine by Kreab, Edition 14, 64-69 (Spanish and English).
- Aisling de Paor, Peter Blanck. (2016). Precision Medicine and Advancing Genetic Technologies – Disability and Human Rights Perspectives. Maya Sabatello, Laws, 5(3), 36; doi: 10.3390/laws5030036.
- Peter Blanck. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue: ADA at 25 and People With Cognitive Disabilities: From Action to Inclusion. Inclusion, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1–5.
- Peter Blanck. (2016). The First “A” in the ADA: And 25 More “A”s Toward Equality for Americans With Disabilities. Inclusion, Vol. 4, No. 1, 46–51.
- Michael Morris, Christopher Rodriguez, Peter Blanck. (2016). ABLE Accounts: A Down Payment on Freedom. Inclusion, Vol. 4, No. 1, 21–29.
- Peter Blanck. (2015). eQuality: Web Accessibility by People With Cognitive Disabilities. Inclusion, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, 75–91.
- Peter Blanck. (2015). ADA at 25 and People With Cognitive Disabilities: From Voice to Action. Inclusion, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, 46–54.
- Peter Blanck, William Myhill, Arthur O’Reilly, Stefan Tromel, Jurgen Menze, Barbara Murray. (2015). Decent work for persons with disabilities: promoting rights in the global development agenda. International Labour Organization.
- Janet Lord, Deepti Samant-Raja, Peter Blanck. (2015). Law and People with Disabilities. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 13. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 497-503.
- Katherine E. McDonald, Pamela Williamson, Sally Weiss, Meera Adya, Peter Blanck and DBTAC: Southeast ADA Center PAR Research Consortium. (2015). The March Goes On: Community Access for People with Disabilities. Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 348-363.
- Peter Blanck, Jonathan G. Martinis. (2015). “The Right to Make Choices”: The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making. Inclusion, Vol. 3, No. 1, 24–33.
- Peter Blanck, Aisling de Pao. (2015). U.S. Legislative and Policy Response – Some Historical Context to GINA, Genetic Discrimination: Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response, Routledge Press. 97-113.
- Gerard Quinn, Aisling de Paor, Peter Blanck. (2015). Genetic Discrimination: Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response. Routledge Press.
- Peter Blanck. (2014). eQuality: The Struggle for Web Accessibility by Persons with Cognitive Disabilities, Cambridge University Press. Reviewed by G. Anthony Giannoumis, Articulating a right to the Web for persons with cognitive disabilities, Universal Access to the Information Society; DOI 10.1007/s10209-015-0432-1 (2015).
- *Lisa Schur, Lisa Nishii, Meera Adya, Douglas Kruse, Susanne Bruyere, Peter Blanck. (2014). Accommodating Employees With and Without Disabilities Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21607.
- Peter Blanck. (2014). The Struggles for Web eQuality by Persons with Cognitive Disabilities. Behavioral Sciences and the Law,
- Peter Blanck; Michael Waterstone; William Myhill; and Charles Siega. (2014). Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy, Cases and Materials, 3d. West Academic Publishing, American Casebook Series.
- Peter Blanck. (2014). Introduction to this Special Issue: Disability, Law and Public Policy, and the World Wide Web. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2106.
- Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, Peter Blanck. (2014). People with Disabilities: Sidelined or Mainstreamed?. Linda Barrington, Cornell University ILR Review, Volume 67, Article 18.
- Janet Lord, Deepti Samant Raja, Peter Blanck. (2013). Beyond the Orthodoxy of Rule of Law and Justice Sector Reform: A Framework for Legal Empowerment and Innovation through the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. World Bank Legal Review, Vol. 4, 45-65.
- Peter Blanck, Bruce A. Goldstein, Esq., William N. Myhill. (2013). Legal Rights of Persons with Disabilities: An Analysis of Federal Law. Second Edition, LRP Publications.
- Peter Blanck, with preface by David Braddock. (2012). Towards a Right under the ADA to Web Access for People with Cognitive Disabilities. Working Paper.
- Peter Blanck. (2012). Disability and Diversity: Historical and Contemporary Influences, Workplace Inclusion of Employees with Disabilities. Michele Paludi, Managing Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, and Power, Praeger. vol. 1, 173-208.
- Mohammad Ali, Lisa Schur, Peter Blanck. (2011). What Types of Jobs Do People with Disabilities Want?. Springer Science & Business Media, LLC.
- Peter Blanck. (2010). Disability and Aging: Historical and Contemporary Views. Richard L. Wiener & Steven L. Willborn (eds.), Disability and Aging Discrimination – Perspectves in Law and Psychology, 49-70.
- Michal Soffer, Katherine McDonald, Peter Blanck. (September 2010). Poverty Among Adults with Disabilities: Barriers to Promoting Asset Accumulation in Individual Development Accounts. American Journal of Community Psychology, Online Publication.
- Michal Soffer, Arie Rimmerman, Peter Blanck, Eve Hill. (2010). Media and the Israeli disability rights legislation: Progress or mixed and contradictory images?. Disability & Society, 25(6).
- Larry Logue, Peter Blanck. (April 2010). Race, Ethnicity, and the Treatment of Disability in Post-Civil War America. Cambridge Disability Law and Policy Series, Cambridge University Press.
- June Nakagawa, Peter Blanck. (2010). Future of Disability Law in Japan: Employment and Accommodation. Loyola International & Comparative Law Review, 33(1), 173-221.
- Aaron Gottlieb, William Myhill, Peter Blanck. (2010). Employment of People with Disabilities. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation.
- Peter Blanck, William N. Myhill, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Joanna Morales, Paula Pearlman. (2009). Individuals with Cancer in the Workforce and Their Federal Rights. In M. Feuerstein (ed), Cancer Survivorship and Work, New York, NY: Springer Publishing, 255-276. Individuals with Cancer in the Workforce and Their Federal Rights
- Eve Hill, Peter Blanck. (2009). Future of Disability Rights: Part Three – Statues of Limitations in Americans with Disabilities Act, “Design and Construct Cases”. Syracuse Law Review, 60, 125-129.
- Eve Hill, Peter Blanck. (2009). Future of Disability Rights Advocacy and “The Right to Live in the World” Future of Disability Law and Advocacy and “The Right to Live in the World”. Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights, 15, 1-31.
- William N. Myhill, Peter Blanck. (2009). Disability and Aging: Historical and Contemporary Challenges. The Marquette Elder’s Advisor Law Review, 11, 47-80.
- Deepti Samant, Michal Soffer, Brigida Hernandez, Meera Adya, Omolara Akinpelu, Peter Blanck, et al. (July 2009). Corporate Culture and Employment of People with Disabilities: Role of Social Workers and Service Provider Organizations Corporate Culture and Employment of People With Disabilities: Role of Social Workers and Service Provider Organizations. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 8(3-4), 171-188.
- Naomi Schreuer, William N. Myhill, Deepti Samant, Tal Aratan-Bergman, Peter Blanck. (2009). Workplace Accommodations: Occupational Therapists as Mediator in the Interactive Process. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 31.
- Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, Joseph Blasi, Peter Blanck. (July 2009). Is Disability Disabling In All Workplaces? Workplace Disparities and Corporate Culture. Industrial Relations, 48(3), 381-410.
- Blanck (2009) Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy: Cases And Materials (Second Edition)
- Meera Adya, Peter Blanck. (2008). Judges’ Nonverbal Behavior. Brian L. Cutler (ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law, Sage: 388-90.
- Peter Blanck. (Fall 2008). Flattening the (inaccessible) cyberworld for people with disabilities. Assistive Technology Journal (RESNA), 20(3), 175-180.
- William Myhill, Derrick Cogburn, Deepti Samant, Benjamin Addom & Peter Blanck. (2008). Developing Accessible Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Knowledge Communities in the National Disability Community: Theory, Practice, and Policy. Assistive Technology Journal (RESNA), 20(3), 157-74.
- Peter Blanck. (2008). “The Right to Live in the World”: Disability Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights, 13(2), 369-403.
- Peter Blanck, Robin Paul Malloy (eds.). (2008). Disability Law and Policy Book Series. Cambridge University Press.
- Larry M. Logue, Peter Blanck. (Winter 2008). “Benefit of the Doubt”: African-American Civil War Veterans and Pensions “Benefit of the Doubt”: African-American Civil War Veterans and Pensions. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XXXVIII(3), 377-399.
- Tamas Babinszki, Peter Blanck, Judy Brewer, Larry Campbell, Timothy Creagan, Anda Filip, et al. (2007). The Accessibility Imperative – Implications of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for Information and Communication Technologies. G3ict (Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies).
- William N. Myhill, Deepti Samant, David Klein, Shelley Kaplan, Maria Veronica Reina, Peter Blanck. (2007). Distance Education Initiatives and Their Early 21st Century Role in the Lives of People with Disabilities. In Distance Education Research Trends” (ed Edward P. Bailey (ed.), Nova Science Publishers) 1- 38..
- Peter Blanck, Meera Adya, William N. Myhill, Deepti Samant, Pei-Chun Chen. (2007). Employment of People with Disabilities – Twenty-Five Years Back and Ahead. Minnesita Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 25, 323-353.
- Maria V. Reina, Meera Adya, Peter Blanck. (2007). Defying Double Discrimination.Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 8, 95-104.
- Peter Blanck. (2007). Enforcing ICT Accessibility Rules. G3ict , The Accessibility Imperative: Implications of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for Information and Communication Technologies, G3ict, World Times Inc., 186-93.
- Peter Blanck. (2006). U.S. Society and Laws Protect the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. e-Journal USA: Society & Values, 11(2).
- Helen A. Schartz, D.J. Hendricks, Peter Blanck. (2006). Workplace Accommodations: Evidence Based Outcomes. Work, 27, 345-354.
- Helen A. Schartz, Kevin M. Schartz, D.J. Hendricks, Peter Blanck. (2006). Workplace Accommodations: Empirical Study of Current Employees. Mississippi Law Journal, 75, 1085-1095.
- Robert F. Rich, Christopher T. Erb, Thomas I. Prudhomme, Peter Blanck. (2006). Disability Claims, Review, Hearings and Appeals Procedures: An Analysis of Administrative Best Practices. Disability Research Institute, Final Report.
- Peter Blanck. (2006). The Burton Blatt Institute: Centers of Innovation on Disability at Syracuse University. Syracuse Law Review, 56, 201-232.
- Peter Blanck. (2006). Americans with Disabilities and their Civil Rights: Past, Present, and Future. University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 66, 687-719.
- Peter Blanck, Helen Schartz. (Winter 2006). Guest Editors’ Introduction. Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ), 26(1), Theme Section: Emerging Issues in the Study of Disability Policy & Law, Part 2.
- Phoebe Ball, Michael Morris, Johnette Hartnette, Peter Blanck. (Winter 2006). Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Asset Accumulation by People with Disabilities.Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ), 26(1), Theme Section: Emerging Issues in the Study of Disability Policy & Law, Part 2.
- James Schmeling, Helen A. Schartz, Michael Morris, Peter Blanck. (Winter 2006). Tax Credits and Asset Accumulation: Findings from the 2004 N.O.D./Harris Survey of Americans with Disabilities. Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ), 26(1), Theme Section: Emerging Issues in the Study of Disability Policy & Law, Part 2.
- Peter Blanck. (Fall 2005). Guest Editors’ Introduction. Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ), 25(4), Theme Section: Emerging Issues in the Study of Disability Policy & Law, Part 1.
- D.J. Hendricks, Linda C. Batiste, Anne Hirsch, Helen Schartz, Peter Blanck. (Fall 2005). Cost and Effectivness of Accommodations in the Workplace: Preliminary Results of a Nationwide Study.Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ), 25(4), Theme Section: Emerging Issues in the Study of Disability Policy & Law, Part 1.
- Peter Blanck, Helen Schartz. (2005). Special Issue: Corporate Culture and Disability. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 23(1), 1-2.
- Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, Peter Blanck. (2005). Corporate Culture and the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 23(1), 3-20.
- Leonard A. Sandler, Peter Blanck. (2005). The Quest to Make Accessibility a Corporate Article of Faith at Microsoft: Case Study of Corporate Culture and Human Resource Dimensions. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 23(1), 39-64.
- David Klein, James Schmeling, Peter Blanck. (2005). Emerging Technologies and Corporate Culture at Microsoft: A Methodological Note. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 23(1), 65-96.
- Phoebe Ball, Gregory Monaco, James Schmeling, Helen Schartz, Peter Blanck. (2005). Disability as Diversity in Fortune 100 Companies. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 23(1), 97-121.
- Peter Blanck. (May 2005). Review of “The Disability Pendulum”. Law and Politics Book Review, 15(5), 354-358.
- Michael Searcy, Steve Duck, Peter Blanck. (2005). Nonverbal Behavior in the Courtroom and the “Appearance of Justice”. In Ronald Riggio & Robert Feldman (eds.), Applications of Nonverbal Communication, Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers: 41-61.
- James Schmeling, Helen A. Schartz, Peter Blanck. (2005). The New Disability Law and Policy Framework: Implications for Case Managers. In Fong Chang & Jodi Saunders (eds.), Case Management for Rehabilitation Health Professionals, 2nd Ed.
- Peter Blanck. (2004). Justice for All? Stories about Americans with Disabilities and Their Civil Rights. Journal of Gender, Race & Justice, 8, 1-30.
- James Schmeling, Helen Schartz, Peter Blanck. (2004). International Disability Rights Monitor. Center for International Rehabilitation, 349-70.
- Peter Blanck, Ann Wilichowski, James Schmeling. (2004). Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy: Accessible Courtroom Technology, William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, 12, 825-842.
- Ryan Sewell, Chen Song, Nancy Bauman, Richard Smith, Peter Blanck. (2004). Union Army Veterans with Hearing Loss and the Evolutions of Disability in America During 1862-1920. The Laryngoscope: Journal for Triological Society, 114, 2147-2153, December.
- Larry M. Logue, Peter Blanck. (2004). There is Nothing that Promotes Longevity like a Pension: Disability Policy and Mortality of Civil War Union Army Veterans. Wake Forest Law Review, 39(1), 49-67.
- Craig Zwerling, Paul S. Whitten, Nancy L. Sprince, Charles S. Davis, Robert B. Wallace, Peter Blanck, Steven G. Heeringa. (May 2003). Workforce Accommodations for People with Disabilities: The National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement, 1994-1995. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 45(5), 517-525.
- Peter Blanck, Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, Susan Schwochau, Chen Song. (2003). Calibrating the Impact of the ADA’s Employment Provisions. Stanford Law & Policy Review, 14(2), 267-290.
- Peter Blanck, Helen A. Schartz. (2003). Comparative Study of the Emerging Workforce of Persons with Disabilities. In S. Herr, H. Koh & L. Gostin (eds.), Different But Equal: The Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities, Oxford University Press.
- Heather Ritchie, Peter Blanck. (2003). The Promise of the Internet for Disability: A Study of On-line Services and Web Site Accessibility at Centers for Independent Living. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 21: 5–26.
- Peter Blanck, Helen A. Schartz, Kevin M. Schartz. (February 2003). Labor Force Participation and Income of Individuals with Disabilities in Sheltered and Competitive Employment: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses of Seven States During the 1980s and 1990s. William & Mary Law Review, 44(3), 1029-1108.
- Peter Blanck, Chen Song. (February 2003). “Never Forget What They Did Here.” Civil War Pensions for Gettysburg Union Army Veterans and Disability in Nineteenth-Century America. William & Mary Law Review, 44(3), 1109-1171.
- Peter Blanck. (February 2003). Topic Paper: Righting the ADA No. 9 Chevron v. Echazabal: The ADA’s “Direct Threat to Self” Defense, Prepared for the National Council on Disability, Washington, DC.
- Nathan Odem, Peter Blanck. (2003). Americans with Disabilities Act: Physician-Shareholder Practice Groups and ADA Compliance. SPINE, 28(3), 309-313.
- Peter Blanck, Heather Ritchie, James Schmeling, David Klein. (2003). Technology for Independence: A Community-Based Resource Center. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 21(1), 51-62.
- Helen Schartz, Bonnie O’Day, Peter Blanck. (2003). Introduction: Disability, Public Policy, and Technology. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 21(1), 1-3.
- Susan Schwochau, Peter Blanck. (January 2003). Does the ADA Disable the Disabled? More Comments. Industrial Relations, 42(1), 67-77.
- David Klein, William Myhill, Linda Hansen, Gary Asby, Susan Michaelson, Peter Blanck. (2003). Electronic Doors to Education: Study of High School Website Accessibility in Iowa. Wiley InterScience, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 21: 27-49.
- Peter Blanck. (2002). Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (Petitioner), v. Mario Echazabal (Respondent): Brief of the National Council on Disability as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent.
- Bonnie O’Day, Helen Schartz, Peter Blanck. (2002). Introduction: Special Issue on Disability, Public Policy and Employment. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 20(6).
- Peter Blanck, Claudia Linares, Chen Song. (2002). Evolution of disability in late 19th century America: Civil War pensions for Union Army veterans with musculoskeletal conditions. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 20(6), 681-697.
- Kevin Schartz, Helen A. Schartz, Peter Blanck. (2002). Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Information Technology Jobs: Literature Review for “IT Works”. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 20(6), 637-657.
- Peter Blanck, Lisa Clay, James Schmeling, Michael Morris, Heather Ritchie. (2002). Applicability of the ADA “Ticket to Work” Employment Networks. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 20(6), 621-636.
- Peter Blanck, Chen Song. (2002). Civil War Pension Attorneys and Disability Politics.
- Peter Blanck. (July 11, 2002). Statement of Professor Peter Blanck Before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Social Security.
- Craig Zwerling, Paul S. Whitten, Nancy L. Sprince, Charles S. Davis, Robert B. Wallace, Peter Blanck, Steven G. Heeringa. (2002). Workforce Participation by Persons with Disabilities: The National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement 1994-1995. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 44(2), 358-364.
- Peter Blanck, James Schmeling. (2002). Americans with Disabilities Act: Recent and Pending U.S. Supreme Court Decisions and Implications for Spine Professionals. SPINE, 27(4), 439-443.
- Peter Blanck, Chen Song. (Spring 2001). “With Malice Toward None; With Charity Toward All”: Civil War Pensions for Native and Foreign-Born Union Army Veterans. Journal of Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, 11(1), 1-76, Symposium on The Social Construction of Disability: Historical, Contemporary, and Comparative Views.
- Peter Blanck, Helen A. Schartz. (2001). Towards Researching a National Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities. 22nd Mary E. Switzer Memorial Seminar, Emerging Workforce Issues: WIA, Ticket to Work, and Partnerships.
- Peter Blanck. (2001). Studying Disability, Employment Policy, and the ADA. Francis & Silvers (eds.), ADA 10th Anniversary Volume,
Studying Disability, Employment Policy, and the ADA - Peter Blanck. (2001). Civil War Pensions and Disabilities. Ohio State Law Journal, 62(1), 109-238.
- Peter Blanck. (February 9, 2000). Statement of Professor Peter David Blanck Before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Constitution. Summary Page,
- Susan Schwochau, Peter Blanck. (2000). The Economics of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Part III – Does the ADA Disable the Disabled. Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, 21(1), 271-313.
- Peter Blanck, Michael Millender. (2000). Before Disability Civil Rights: Civil War Pensions and the Politics of Disability in America. Alabama Law Review, 52(1), 1-51.
- Peter Blanck, Leonard A. Sandler, James Schmeling, Helen A. Schartz. (2000). The Emerging Workforce of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities: Preliminary Study of Entrepreneurship in Iowa Iowa Law Review, 85(5), 1583-1644.
- Peter Blanck, Leonard Sandler. (2000). ADA Title III and the Internet: Technology and Civil Rights. Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter, 24(5), 855-859.
- Peter Blanck & Walter Olson. (2000). The Unintended Consequences of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 85 Iowa L. Rev. 1811-34.
- Peter Blanck, Heidi M. Berven. (1999). Evidence of Disability after Daubert. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 5(1), 16-40.
- Heidi M. Berven & Peter Blanck. (1999). Assistive Technology Patenting Trends and the Americans with Disabilities Act.Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 17(1), 47–71.
- Peter Blanck. (1999). Empirical Study of Disability, Employment Policy, and the ADA. Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, 23(2), 275-280.
- Peter Blanck, Patrick Steele. (1998). The Emerging Role of the Staffing Industry in the Employment of Persons with Disabilities – A Case Report of Manpower Inc. University of Iowa College of Law,
- Peter Blanck. (1998). Job placement for Employees with Disabilities – Manpower Leads the Way. Employment Relations Today, 25, 57-65.
- Peter Blanck. (1998). Civil Rights, Learning Disability, and Academic Standards. Journal of Gender, Race & Justice, 2, 33-58.
Civil Rights, Learning Disability, and Academic Standards - Heidi Berven, Peter Blanck. (1998). The Economics of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Part II: Patents, Innovations and Assistive Technology. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 12(1), 9-120.
- Peter Blanck. (1997). The Economics of the Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Part I – Workplace Accommodations. DePaul Law Review, 46(4), 877-914.
- Peter Blanck, Mollie Weighner Marti. (1997). Attitudes, Behavior and the Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Villanova Law Review, 42, 345-408, Symposium on “Defining the Parameters of Coverage Under the Americans With Disabilities Act: Who Is ‘An Individual with a Disability?'”.
- Peter Blanck. (1997). Students with Learning Disabilities, Reasonable Accommodations, and the Rights of Colleges and Universities to Establish and Enforce Academic Standards: Guckenberger v. Boston University. Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, 21(5), 679-86.
Students with Learning Disabilities, Reasonable Accommodations, and the Rights of Colleges and Universities to Establish and Enforce Academic Standards: Guckenberger v. Boston University
1980 – 1996
- Peter Blanck, Mollie Weighner Marti. (1996). Genetic Discrimination and the Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Emerging Legal, Empirical, and Policy Implications. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 14(4), 411-432.
- Peter Blanck. (1996). Communicating the Americans with Disabilities Act. Transcending Compliance: 1996 Follow-up Report on Sears, Roebuck and Company. A Report of The Annenberg Washington Program in Communications Policy Studies of Northwestern University, Washington, D.C.
- Peter Blanck. (1996). The Appearance of Justice revisited. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 86(3), 887-927.
- Peter Blanck. (1996). Empirical Study of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Employment Issues from 1990-1994. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 14(1), 5-27.
- Peter Blanck. (1995). Disaster Mitigation for Persons with Disabilities: Fostering a New Dialogue. A Report of The Annenberg Washington Program in collaboration with The President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Washington, D.C.
- Peter Blanck. (1995). Assessing Five Years of Employment Integration and Economic Opportunity Under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, 19, 384-398.
- Peter Blanck. (1994). Celebrating Communications Technology for Everyone: Implications for the Classroom and Beyond. The Annenberg Washington Program in Communications Policy Studies of Northwestern University, Washington, D.C.
- Peter Blanck. (1994). Communicating the Americans with Disabilities Act, Transcending Compliance: A Case Report on Sears, Roebuck, and Co. The Annenberg Washington Program in Communications Policy Studies of Northwestern University, Washington, D.C.
- Peter Blanck, Jill Handley Anderson, Eric J. Wallach, James P. Tenney. (1994). Implementing Reasonable Accommodations Using ADR Under the ADA: The Case of a White-Collar Employee with Bipolar Mental Illness. Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, 18, 458-470.
- Peter Blanck. (1994). Employment Integration, Economic Opportunity, and the Americans with Disabilities Act: Empirical Study from 1990-1993. Iowa Law Review, 79, 853-908.
- Peter Blanck & Robert Folberg (1994). The Americans with Disabilities Act: Emerging issues for ophthalmologists, Ophthalmology, 101, 1635-40.
- Robert Rosenthal, Peter Blanck. (1993). Science and Ethics in Conducting, Analyzing, and Reporting Social Science Research: Implications for Social Scientists, Judges, and Lawyers. Indiana Law Journal, 68(4), 1209-1228.
- Ralph L. Rosnow, Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Stephen J. Ceci, Peter Blanck, Gerald P. Koocher. (1993). The Institutional Review Board as a mirror of scientific and ethical standards. American Psychologist, 48(7), 821-826.
- Peter Blanck. (1993). Calibrating the Scales of Justice: Studying Judges’ Behavior in Bench Trials. Indiana Law Journal, 68(4), 1119-1198.
- Peter Blanck. (1992). Empirical Study of the Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Methods, Preliminary Findings, and Implications. New Mexico Law Review, 22, 119-234.
- Michael J. Saks, Peter Blanck. (1992). Justice Improved: The Unrecognized Benefits of Aggregation and Sampling in the Trial of Mass Torts. Stanford Law Review, 44, 815-859.
- Peter Blanck, Alan S. Bellack, Ralph L. Rosnow, Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Nina R. Schooler. (July 1992). Scientific Rewards and Conflicts of Ethical Choices in Human Subjects Research. American Psychologist, 47(7), 959-965.
- Peter Blanck. (1992). On Integrating Persons with Mental Retardation: The ADA and ADR. New Mexico Law Review, 22, 259-276, Symposium on “The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990”.
- Peter Blanck. (1991). What Empirical Research Tells Us: Studying Judges’ and Juries’ Behavior. American University Law Review, 40, 775-803.
- Thomas Grisso, Elizabeth Baldwin, Peter Blanck, Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Nina R. Schooler, Travis Thompson. (July 1991). Standards in Research: APA’s Mechanism for Monitoring the Challenges. American Psychologist, 46(7), 758-766.
- Peter Blanck, Robert Rosenthal, Allen J. Hart, Frank Bernieri. (March 1990). The Measure of the Judge: An Empirically Based Framework for Exploring Trial Judges’ Behaviors. Iowa Law Review, 75, 653-682.
- Peter Blanck, Arthur Turner. (1987). Gestalt research: clinical-field-research approaches to studying organizations. Jay Lorsch, New York: Prentice-Hall., The Handbook of Organizational Behavior. (pp. 109 – 125).
- Peter Blanck, Robert Rosenthal, La Doris Hazzard Cordell. (1985). The Appearance of Justice: Judges’ Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior in Criminal Jury Trials. Stanford Law Review, 38, 89-154.
- Robert Rosenthal, Peter Blanck, Marsha Vannicelli. (August 1984). Speaking To and About Patients: Predicting Therapists’ Tone of Voice. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52(4), 679-686.
- Peter Blanck, Robert Rosenthal. (June 1984). Mediation of Interpersonal Expectancy Effects: Counselor’s Tone of Voice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76(3), 418-426.
- Peter Blanck, Robert Rosenthal, Sara E. Snodgrass, Bella M. DePaulo, Miron Zuckerman. (May 1982). Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Age Effects in Nonverbal Decoding Skill and Style. Developmental Psychology, 18(3), 491-498.
- Peter Blanck, Robert Rosenthal, Sara E. Snodgrass, Bella M. DePaulo, Miron Zuckerman. (August 1981). Sex Differences in Eavesdropping on Nonverbal Cues: Developmental Changes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41(2), 391-396.
- Miron Zuckerman, Deborah T. Lawrence, Joseph F. Porac, Peter Blanck. (September 1980). Effects of Fear of Success on Intrinsic Motivation, Causal Attribution, and Choice Behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 503-513.
- Miron Zuckerman, Peter Blanck, Bella M. DePaulo, Robert Rosenthal. (May 1980). Developmental Changes in Decoding Discrepant and Nondiscrepant Nonverbal Cues. Developmental Psychology, 16(3), 220-228.
Legal Brief Participation
- Santiago Lopez vs. Pacific Maritime Association, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, No. 09-55698 (2011, co-author w Claudia Center). Request for rehearing en banc for Amici Curiae.
- American Association of Persons with Disabilities v. Holland, United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, No. 3:01-cv-01275-J-99 HTS (2010, co-author). Request for rehearing en banc.
- American Association of Persons with Disabilities v. Holland Motion to Leave to file Amicus Brief