February 10, 2015

BBI launched its North Korean Disability Rights Documentation Project in January 2015 in partnership with Handong Global University in South Korea. BBI’s lead on this project, international human rights lawyer and BBI’head of human rights and inclusive development, Janet Lord, was named to the Advisory Board of the Transitional Justice Working Group, a Seoul-based NGO and the first with a focus on transitional justice for the rights of victims in the world’s most repressive regime, North Korea. TJWG aims to create advanced frameworks for addressing massive human rights violations and advocating justice for victims in pre- and post-transition societies. It builds bridges between the individuals and groups who share the common commitment to the principles of democracy and self-determination, of

peaceful and consensual conflict resolution, and of retributive and redistributive justice in post-transition societies. We collaborate and share our practices with other organizations, groups and individuals around the world to pursue accountability for mass atrocity and human rights abuse. In order to fulfill these goals and model best practices, TJWG has begun its activities focusing on North Korea as a local initiative.