ADA Anniversary Tool Kit
ADA Case Law
BBI’s William Myhill leads a legal team identifying and analyzing federal court decisions and state legal and policy developments relevant to ADA civil rights protections particularly impacting the Southeast United States.
ADA Live! (WADA) Show
A free monthly show broadcast nationally on the Internet by the Southeast ADA Center. “ADA Live!” focuses on rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and airs from 1:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. (Eastern) on the first Wednesday of each month. No registration is required. You can submit your questions, explore resources and the complete program schedule and connect to archived shows.
ADA Webcourses and Online Tutorials
- ADA Basic Building Blocks Webcourse - ADA Title II Online Tutorial - At Your Service – Welcoming Customers with Disabilities - Federal Court Concepts
Southeast Region State & Local Network
The Southeast ADA Center serves an eight-state geographic region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) and has an extended Southeast Region State and Local Resource Network of affiliates in each state that includes Centers for Independent Living (CIL), employers and businesses, nonprofit organizations, and state and local government agencies. These affiliates are dedicated to informing their customers, people with disabilities, and the public about the ADA and technology access. The Center also has a Southeast Region State Affiliate Network that provides support to the local efforts and promote voluntary ADA compliance in local communities within each of the eight-states of southeast region.
Southeast ADA Training & Resources
Tax Access Project
A collaboration of the Southeast ADA Center, Burton Blatt Institute, and the National Disability Institute Real Economic Impact Network (REI). Tax Access is designed to provide a “safe place” where Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site coordinators and volunteers can ask questions and find resources focused on how to serve people with disabilities more effectively. The Tax Access project focuses on disability issues related to VITA services including facility access, program accessibility, and customer service.