The Fit-IN team has published a wide variety of educational materials, manuals, and DVDsto promote inclusive fitness. These are all open-source materials that can be downloaded or ordered from our website. Our team has also published extensively in the peer-reviewed academic literature.
- View our educational materials, manuals, and DVDs
- View our research articles
- View media and general interest articles about Fit-IN.
Educational Materials, Manuals, and DVDs
Cardboard Family Fun!
An introduction to Adaptive Design’s sensory seating through cardboard construction.
Cardboard Family Fun!
Sensory Pathway Family Fun
Creating and exploring sensory based fun in home environments with every day, low-cost materials.
Sensory Pathway Family Fun
Adaptive Winter Family Fun.
This quick DIY guide aims to help families get into the snow for some winter fun..! So bundle up and get creative.
Adaptive Winter Family Fun
Building Local/Global Spina Bifida Communities with Adaptive Design
This Idea Book summarizes six weeks of creativity, information sharing, and community building among children and young adults with spina bifida and their families in Syracuse, New York, USA and Ibarra, Ecuador.
Construyendo Comunidades Locales/Globales de Espina Bifida con Diseño Adaptado
Este libro de ideas resume seis semanas de creatividad, intercambio de información y desarrollo de la comunidad entre los niños y adultos jovenes con espina bífida y sus familias en Syracuse, Nueva York e Ibarra, Ecuador.
Construyendo Comunidades-Locales-Globales-de-Espina-Bifidacon-Diseno-Adaptable
Local/Global Adaptive Design Resources
These charts provide both English and Spanish Resources for Creating Solutions Sharing Information and Building Community.
English and Spanish Resources for Creating Solutions Sharing Information and Building Community [PDF]
Fit-IN Guidebooks for High School Students
Unified Yoga: New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Inclusive Fitness Initiative (2017)
Yoga involves moving the body and training the mind to achieve balance and well-being. Its purpose is to help each one of us achieve our highest potential and to experience enduring health and happiness. Yoga originated in India more than three thousand years ago. In Sanskrit, the word yoga comes from the root yuj which means “to add”, “to join”, “to unite”.
Unified Yoga is an inclusive outdoor Yoga program that welcomes people of all abilities. It originated several years ago in the Mainstream Program at the Southwest Community Center in Syracuse, New York. Our core group of participants are teens and young adults, some of whom have developmental disabilities such as intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, and autism. Sessions are held once weekly in beautiful locations in various Syracuse Parks. The purpose of Unified Yoga is to instill acceptance, positivity, and empowerment for all participants, and to transform our community. Download Accessible Unified Yoga
Accessible GeoCaching: The Treasure is in the Journey (2016)
This booklet was created in 2016 for the “inclusive Fitness Initiative” with funding from the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. The focus of the Inclusive Fitness Initiative is young adulthood (ages 18-25 years). The booklet was developed with input form Syracuse Parks and Recreation, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Inclusive Recreation Resource Center. Download Accessible Geocaching
How To Create an Inclusive Walking Club (2015)
This booklet was created in 2015 with funding from the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. The goal is to promote inclusion of young adults with developmental disabilities in community-based wellness programs. Central New York’s inclusive Monday Mile program and this companion how-to guide are part of a pilot grant called the Inclusive Fitness Initiative. The focus of the Inclusive Fitness Initiative is young adulthood (ages 18-25 years). Our goal is to promote inclusion of young adults with developmental disabilities in community settings such as gyms, parks, climbing walls, dance schools, and yoga studios. This guidebook was created in collaboration with the City of Syracuse Department of Parks and Recreation, the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion at Syracuse University, and SUNY Cortland’s Inclusive Recreation Resource Center. Technical assistance was provided by Cornell University’s Employment and Disability Institute and the Northeast ADA Center. More information about the Monday Mile and the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion is available.
Download How to Create an Inclusive Walking Club
In 2013 we launched the first in a planned series of Fit-IN guidebooks for high school students. The Fit-IN guides help students to be change agents in the inclusive fitness movement.
Ballet for All (2013)
This guidebook orients dance assistants to movement patterns (e.g. spasticity, dystonia, and hypotonia) that are commonly seen in children with cerebral palsy. It also includes information about mobility equipment and tips for communication. The guidebook was developed for dance assistants from Nottingham High School/Syracuse City School District who volunteer at the “Ballet for All” program at Jowonio Preschool in Syracuse, New York.
Download Ballet for All
Resource Directory (2017)
Inclusive Fitness Opportunities in Central New York for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities
This resource directory was created in 2017 for the Inclusive Fitness Initiative, a pilot program funded by the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. The goal is to promote inclusion of young adults with developmental disabilities in community-based wellness programs. The directory is organized into four sections: Unified Sport, Mindful Movement, Outdoor Recreation, and Personal Fitness. Download the Resource Directory
Fit Families Group Visits
Our work began in 2004 when Adapted Physical Education students at SUNY Cortland contacted the medical team at the Spina Bifida Center of Central New York to let us know they were launching an Adapted Sports Adventure Camp. Many kids and families signed up. A collaboration between SUNY Cortland and SUNY Upstate Medical University was launched!
The following year we developed a monthly group visit program to promote physical activity for families who receive care at our Spina Bifida Center. “Fit Families Group Visits” combine medical care with psychosocial support, information sharing, and wheelchair sports. This program has also been a great service learning opportunity for medical students, physical therapy students, social work interns, and adapted physical education students. In 2008, we published a “how to” manual and instructional DVD that other Spina Bifida Centers can use to launch a group visit program. We have conducted workshops to promote this model of care at national meetings of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Spina Bifida World Congress, and AAPHERD. Download Fit Families Group Visits Manual
Physical Activity Resources for Children with Vision Impairment/Blindness:
We have also piloted the group visit model with children who are blind and children who have multiple disabilities. Our work with these kids and families subsequently extended to a collaboration with Lauren Lieberman PhD at Camp Abilities/SUNY Brockport. Together with Lauren Lieberman and Deb Cleary, a Teacher for the Visually Impaired with the Syracuse City School District, the Fit-IN team has published several instructional DVDs about adapted physical activity and sports promotion for children with vision impairment/blindness. These DVDs were created to help teachers, therapists and adapted physical educators in schools to better understand orientation and mobility and adapted physical activity for students with visual impairments.
Request a copy of the DVDs – email and indicate which DVD you are requesting.

Research Articles
Lloyd, M., Foley, J.T., & Temple, V.A. (2018) Maximizing the use of Special Olympics International’s Healthy Athletes Database: A call to action. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 73(1) 58-66; doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2017.12.009.
Taylor, L., Lind, E., True, L., Van Langen, D., Foley, J.T., & Hokanson, J.F. (2017). Four Weeks of Off-Season Training Improves Peak Oxygen Consumption in Female Field Hockey Players, Sports. 5(4), 89; doi:10.3390/sports5040089.
Crane, J.R., Foley, J.T., Naylor, P.J., & Temple, V.A. (2017) Longitudinal change in the relationship between fundamental motor skills and perceived competence: Kindergarten to grade 2. Sports. 5(3), 59; doi:10.3390/sports5030059.
Rintala, P., Temple, V. A., Lloyd., M., Faro, C., & Foley, J.T. (2017). Association of poverty and social exclusion with body mass index among Special Olympics athletes in Europe. International Journal of Public Health. 62(8), 921-928. doi:10.1007/s00038-017-0982-5.
Jones, D., Polasek, K.M., Foley, J.T., & Lind, E. (2017). The relationship of sex and sport skill type on imagery among division III athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior. 40(3), 297-308.
Santarossa, S., Temple, V. A., Rintala., P., Lloyd., M., DeMarco, B., & Foley, J.T. (2017) Muscular strength of adult Special Olympians by country economic status. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity. 10 (1), 10-16.
Foley, J.T., Lloyd, M., Turner, L., & Temple, V.A. (2017) Body mass index and waist circumference of adults with intellectual disability participating in Special Olympics in Latin America. Salud Pública de México. 59 (4),416-422. doi:10.21149/8204
Temple, V.A. & Foley, J.T. (2017) A peek at the developmental validity of the Test of Gross Motor Development -3. Journal of Motor Learning and Development.5, 5-14. doi:10.1123/jmld.2016-0005
Starkoff, B.E., Lenz, E.K., Lieberman, L.J., Foley, J.T., & Too, D. (2017) Physical activity patterns of adults with visual impairments. British Journal of Visual Impairment. 35(2), 130-142.
Tindall, D.W.S, Foley, J. T., Beets, M. W. & Lieberman, L. (2017) Physical activity levels of children with visual impairments during an adapted sports camp. British Journal of Visual Impairment. 35(2), 143-153.
Columna, L., Streete, D., Dillon, S., Hodge, S.R., Myers, B.A., Norris, M., & Barrerira, T., & Heffernan, K. What Parents Believe about Physical Activity and their Children with Visual Impairments. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (Spring 2018).
Heffernan KS, Columna L, Ashby C, Norris M, Myers B, Russo N, Barreira T. (accepted fall 2017) Physical activity, body mass index and central hemodynamic burden in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Preliminary findings. Submitted to Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi: 10.1007/s10803-017-3358-z
Columna, L., Dillon, S., Dolphin, M., Streete, D., Hodge, S.R., Myers, B.A., Norris, M., & **McCabe, L., Barreira, T., and Heffernan, K. (accepted fall 2017) Physical activity among families of children with visual impairments and Blindness. Disability and Rehabilitation.
Columna, L., Hodge, S., Samalot, A, Vigo A., & Cervantes, C. (in press). The Hispanic experience in physical education: A qualitative study. QUEST (Spring 2017).
Ciampolini, V., Columna, L., Lapolli, B., Tayná Iha, Carter-Grosso, E., Santos- Silva, & Galatti, L. Quality of life in different competitive level players: A pilot study with wheelchair tennis in Brazil. Motriz Journal of Physical Education, 22(4), 1-6.
Columna, L., Dillon, S., Norris, M., Dolphin, M. & **McCabe, L. (2017) Parents perceptions of PA experiences for their families with children with VI. physical activity among parents of children with visual impairments. British Journal of Visual Impairments, 35(2)88-102.
Columna, L., Lepore-Stevens, M., Work, E. (2017) Orientation and Mobility Skills for Families of Children with Visual Impairments and Blindness in Physical Activity Environments. British Journal of Visual Impairments, 35(2)165-177.
Tunur, T., Richford, K., Columna, L. (In print). Moving through possibilities: Using Dance for Individuals with Parkinson’s disease. PALAESTRA, 31(4), 15-20).
Davis, T.D., Columna, L., Abdo, A.L., Russo, N., Toole, K., & Norris, M.L. (2017). Using Sensory Motor Activities and Training For Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Palaestra, 31(4), 35-40.
Columna, L. (2017) Syracuse University fit families Program: Physical Activity program for families of children with visual impairments. PALAESTRA, 31(1), 31-38).
J Lupo P, Agopian AJ, Castillo H, Castillo J, Clayton GH, Dosa NP, Hopson B, Joseph DB, Rocque BG, Walker WO, Wiener JS, Mitchell LE. Genetic Epidemiology of Neural Tube Defects. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2017 Oct 20. doi: 10.3233/PRM-170456.
Hsieh MH, Wood HM, Dicianno BE, Dosa NP, Gomez-Lobo V, Mattoo TK, Misseri R, Norton JM, Sawin KJ, Scal P, Wright JE 3rd, Star RA, Bavendam T. Research Needs for Effective Transition in Lifelong Care of Congenital Genitourinary Conditions: A Workshop Sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Urology. 2017 May;103:261-271
Cook, L.H., Foley, J.T., Semeah, L.M., (2016) An exploratory study of inclusive worksite wellness: Considering employees with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal. 9(1),100-107, doi:
Columna, L., Hoyos-Cuartas, L., Foley, J.T., Prado, J.R., Rivera, I., Mora, A.L., Ozols, M.A., Chavarro, D.M., & Del Cid, L.A. (2016) Latin American physical educators’ intention to teach individuals with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 33 (3), 213 -232, doi:10.1123/APAQ.2014-0167
Columna, L., Haibach, P., Fernandez, M., Lieberman, L., Cordero, I. (2016). Motor development and physical activities for children with visual impairments. Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research, 6(1). Retrieved from doi:
Moyer, M.T., Foley, J.F., Hodges, B.C., & Pace, J (2016) A practical approach to enhancing a healthy school community by adopting the WSCC Model. The Health Educator. 48(2), 2-6.
Tindal, D., Foley, J.T. & Lieberman, L. (2016) Incorporating sport education roles for children with visual impairments and blindness as part of a sport camp experience. PALAESTRA, 30(3), 31-36.
Hovey,K., Foland,J.L., Foley,J.T., Kniffin, M., & Bailey, J. (2016). Predictors of change in body image in female participants of an outdoor education program. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership. 8(2), 200-208.
Tindall, D.W., Culhane, M., & Foley, J.T. (2016). Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy towards children with disabilities: An Irish perspective. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 9(1), 27–39.
Starkoff, B.E., Lenz, E.K., Lieberman, L., & Foley, J.T. (2016). Sedentary behavior in adults with visual impairments. Disability and Health Journal. 9(4), 609-615. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2016.05.005
Foley, J.T., Pineiro, C., Miller, D., & Foley, M.L. (2016) Including transgender students in elementary school physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 87(3) 5-8, doi: 10.1080/07303084.2016.1131544
Fair C, Cuttance J, Sharma N, Maslow G, Wiener L, Betz C, Porter J, McLaughlin S, Gilleland-Marchak J, Renwick A, Naranjo D, Jan S, Javalkar K, Ferris M; International and Interdisciplinary Health Care Transition Research Consortium. International and Interdisciplinary Identification of Health Care Transition Outcomes. JAMA Pediatr. 2016 Mar;170(3):205-11. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.3168. PubMed PMID: 26619178.
Columna, L., Fernandez-Vivo, M., Lieberman, L., & Arndt, K. (2015). Recreational patterns among Guatemalan families with children with visual impairments. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12 (8), 119-1127.
Liptak GS, Robinson LM, Davidson PW, Dziorny A, Lavalley R, Flaherty MG, Dosa NP (2015) Lifecourse Health and Healthcare Utilization Among Adults with Spina Bifida. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015 Nov 2. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12952. [Epub ahead of print]
Temple, V.A., Foley, J.T., & Lloyd, M. (2015) Body Mass Index of Adult Special Olympians by Country Economic Status. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12123
Lenz, E.K., Starkoff, B.E., Lieberman, L., & Foley, J.T. (2015) Television Time and the Relationship to Obesity in Adults with Visual Impairments. The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research.5(2). Retrieved from. doi:
Glennon, W., Hart, A., & Foley, J.T. (2015) Developing Effective Affective Assessment Practices. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 86(6), 40-44, doi: 10.1080/07303084.2015.1053635 (corresponding author).
Esposito, L.E., Bandini, L., Danielson, M., Foley, J.T., Fox, M.H., Frey, G.C., Fleming, R., Krahn, G., Must, A., Porretta, D.L., Brown-Rodgers, A., Stanish, H., Urv, T., & Vogel, L.C., Humphries, K., (2015) Obesity in Children with Developmental and/or Physical Disabilities. Disability and Health Journal. 8, 309-316. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2015.04.005
He Y, Brunstrom-Hernandez JE, Thio LL, Lackey S, Gaebler-Spira D, Kuroda MM, Stashinko E, Hoon AH Jr, Vargus-Adams J, Stevenson RD, Lowenhaupt S, McLaughlin JF, Christensen A, Dosa NP, Butler M, Schwabe A, Lopez C, Roge D, Kennedy D, Tilton A, Krach LE, Lewandowski A, Dai H, Gaedigk A, Leeder JS, Jusko WJ. (2014) Population pharmokinetics of oral baclofen in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr. 2014 May;164(5):1181-1188.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2014.01.029. Epub 2014 Mar 5.
Lloyd, M., Foley, J.T., & Temple, V.A. (2014) Body Mass Index of Children and Youth with an Intellectual Disability by Country Economic Status, Preventive Medicine. 69, 197–20. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.10.010.
Cook, A.H., Columna, L., Foley, J.T., & Bailey, J. (2014) Survey Development to Assess Parental Perceptions of Adapted Physical Education Teachers Working with Children with Autism. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 19(5)481-491. doi: 10.1080/17408989.2014.907888.
Foley, J.T., Lloyd, M., Vogl, D., & Temple, V.A. (2014) Obesity Trends of 8-18 year old Special Olympians: 2005-2010. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Kasser, S., Jacobs, J. V., Littenberg, B., Foley, J.T., Cardinal, B.J., & Maddalozzo, G.F. (2014) Exploring Physical Activity in Women with Multiple Sclerosis: Associations with Fear of Falling and Underlying Impairments. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000049 (Epub ahead of print)
Temple, V.A., Foley, J.T. & Lloyd, M. (2014) Body Mass Index of Adults with Intellectual Disability Participating in Special Olympics by World Region. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 58(3), 277-284.
Davis, T. D. & Menear, K., (2014). Gross motor assessment teaming in physical education. Strategies. Accepted manuscript for Fall 2014 feature.
Foley, J.T., Temple, V.A., & Lloyd, M. (2013) Body Mass Index Trends among Adult United States Special Olympians, 2005 – 2010. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 30(4), 373-386.
Tindall, D.W.S, McMahon, K., Willson, J., Foley, J.T. (2013) Disability Awareness through Futsal. Physical Education Matters. 8(2), 26-29.
Weiss, M.J., Moran, M. F., Parker, M.E., & Foley, J.T., (2013) Gait Analysis of Teenagers and Young Adults Diagnosed with Autism & Severe Verbal Communication Disorders. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 7:33. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2013.0003320 (Epub 2013 May 20).
Moran, M. F., Foley, J.T., Parker, M.E., & Weiss, M.J., (2013) Two-Legged Hopping in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 7:14. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2013.00014 (Epub 2013 Mar 26).
Smith, J.W., Moran, M.F., & Foley, J.T. (2013) Effect of GPS Feedback on Lactate Threshold Pacing in Intercollegiate Distance Runners. International Journal of Exercise Science. 6(1), 74-80.
Bellin MH, Dicianno BE, Osteen P, Dosa N, Aparicio E, Braun P, Zabel TA. Family Satisfaction, Pain, and Quality-of-Life in Emerging Adults with Spina Bifida. A Longitudinal Analysis Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil.2013;92:641-655.
Liptak GS, Garver K, Dosa NP. Spina Bifida Grown Up. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2013 Apr;34(3):206-15.
Bellin MH, Dosa NP, Zabel AT , Aparicio E, Dicianno BE, Osteen P. Self-Management, Satisfaction With Family Functioning, and the Course of Psychological Symptoms in Emerging Adults With Spina Bifida. J. Pediatr. Psychol. 2013; 38(1): p. 50-62
Kalef, L., Reid, G. & MacDonald, C. (2013). Evidence-based practice: A quality indicator analysis of peer-tutoring in adapted physical education. Research in
Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2514-2522.
MacDonald, C. & Reid, G. (2013). Instructional strategies of inclusive physical education teachers. Developmental and validation of self-determination Survey. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 6, 43-56.
Davis, T.D & Felix, E., (2013). Outdoor pursuits as an extracurricular activity for everyone. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Accepted manuscript as part of JOPERD feature on disability and extracurricular activity.
Columna, L., Fernandez-Vivo, M., Lieberman, L., & Arndt, K. (2013). Physical Recreation Constraints Among Guatemalan Families with Children with Visual Impairments. The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy, 2(3), 225-220.
Burden, J., Columna, L., Hodge, S., & Martinez- De la Vega, P. (2013). Ethnolinguistically relevant pedagogy: Empowering English Language Learners in Physical Education. Quest, 65(2), 169-185.
Perkins, K., Columna, L., Lieberman, L., & Bailey, J. (2013). Parents Perceptions of Barriers and Solutions for Their Children with Visual Impairments Toward Physical Activity. Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness, 107(2), 131-142.
Foley, J.T., Couturier, L., & Kline, N. (2012) Switch – Making Change Happen. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 83(7), 8-9,11.
Lloyd, M., Temple, V.A., & Foley, J.T. (2012) International BMI comparison of children and youth with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 33(6), 1708-1714.
Agiovlasitis, S., Motl, R.W., Foley, J.T., and Fernhall B. (2012) Prediction of Energy Expenditure from Wrist-Accelerometry During Walking in People with and without Down Syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 29(2), 179-190.
Bouffard, M., Reid, G., & MacDonald, C. (2012). Creating evidence-based practice in adapted physical activity. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 29,115 – 131.
Kasner, M., Reid, G., & MacDonald, C. (2012). Evidence-based practice: Quality indicator analysis of antecedent exercise in autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 1418-1425.
Chaapel, H., Columna, L., Lytle, R., & Bailey, J. (2012) Parental Expectations About Adapted Physical Education Services. Journal of Special Education, 1-11.
Roth, K. & Columna, L. (2012). Physical Education for Children with Disabilities in Segregated Classrooms (Viewpoint). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 83(5), 3-4.
Foley, J.T., Beets, M.W.,& Cardinal, B.J (2011) Monitoring Children’s Physical Activity with Pedometers: Reactivity Revisited. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 9(2), 82-86.
Boffoli, N., Foley, J.T., Gasperetti, B., Yang, S.P, & Lieberman, L. (2011) Enjoyment Levels of Youth with Visual Impairments Playing Different Exergames. INSIGHT: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 4(4), 171-176. (corresponding author)
Morelli, T., Folmer, E., Foley, J., Lieberman, L. (2011) Improving the Lives of Youth with VI Through Exergames. INSIGHT: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 4(4), 160-170.
Tindal, D., & Foley, J.T. (2011) Assessment Modifications for Students with Disabilities in Sport Education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 82(7), 30-37.
Kasser, S. L., Jacobs, J.V., Foley, J.T., Cardinal, B.J., & Maddalozzo, G.F (2011). A Prospective Evaluation of Balance, Gait, and Strength to Predict Falling in Women with Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(11), 1840-6.
Morelli, T., Foley, J., Lieberman, L., Folmer, E. (2011) Pet-N-Punch: Upper Body Tactile/Audio Exergame to Engage Children with Visual Impairments into Physical Activity. Proceedings of Graphics Interface, 223-230.
Kim, J.R. & Foley, J.T. (2011) Stability of Student’s IEP Status and Related Factors: Analyses of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study- Kindergarten Cohort. Korean Journal of Special Education, 45(4) 237-254.
Bellin M, Zabel TA, Dicianno B, Levey E, Dosa N, Roux G, Marben K, Interrelationships of sex, level of lesion, and transition outcomes among young adults with myelomeningocele. Dev Med Child Neurol. Jul;53(7):647-52 (2011)
Liptak GS, Kennedy JA, Dosa NP. Social Participation in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Youth and Young Adults With Autism. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2011 Apr 15
Columna, L., Pyfer, J., & Senne, T.A. (2011). Physical Recreation Among Immigrant Hispanic Families with Children with Disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45(3), 214-233.
Roth, K. & Columna, L. (2011).Collaborative Strategies During Transition for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 82 (5), 50-55.
Morelli, T., Foley, J., Folmer, E., (2010). VI Bowling: A Tactile Spatial Exergame for Individuals with Visual Impairments, Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and Accessibility, 179-186.
Columna, L., Foley, J.T. & Lytle, R. (2010) Adapted and General Physical Educators’ Attitudes Toward Multiculturalism. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 29(3), 295-311.
Morelli, T., Foley, J., Columna, L., Lieberman, L., Folmer, E. (2010) VI-Tennis: a Vibrotactile/Audio Exergame for Players who are Visually Impaired, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 147-154.
Carlson, S.A., Fulton, J.E., Lee, S.M., Foley, J.T. Heitzler, C., & Huhman, M., (2010) Influence of Limit Setting and Physical Activity Participation on Youth Screen Time: Findings from the Youth Media Campaign Longitudinal Survey. Pediatrics, 126(1), e89-e96.
Gasperetti, B., Milford, M., Blanchard, D., Yang, S.P, Lieberman, L., & Foley, J.T. (2010) Dance Dance Revolution and Kinetic Modifications for Students with Visual Impairments. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 81(4), 15-17. (corresponding author)
Beets, M.W., & Foley, J.T (2010) A Comparison of Three Different Analytic Approaches for Determining Risk-Related Active and Sedentary Behavioral Patterns in Adolescents. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 7(3), 381-392.
Liptak GS and Dosa NP. Myelomeningocele. Pediatrics in Review.2010; 31: 443-450.
Liptak GS, Kennedy JA, Dosa NP. Youth with Spina Bifida and Transitions: Health and Social Participation in a Nationally Represented Sample. J. Pediatr. 2010 Oct;157(4):584-8.
Columna, L., Davis, T., Lieberman, L., & Lytle, R. (2010) Determining the Most Appropriate Physical Education Placement for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 81(7), 30-37.
Lieberman, L., Columna, L., Martinez, P., & Taylor, C. (2010). Infusing Sign Language and Spanish Into Physical Education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 81(4), 45-49.
Dosa, N.P., Foley, J.T., Woodall-Ruff, D., Eckrich, M., & Liptak, G.S., (2009) Obesity and Physical Activity Across the Lifespan Among Persons with Spina Bifida. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31(11), 914-920.
Foley, J.T., & McCubbin, J.A. (2009) An Exploratory Study of After-School Sedentary Behavior in Elementary School-Age Children with Mental Retardation. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 34(1), 3-9.
Columna, L., Arndt, K., Lieberman, L., & Yang, S. (2009). Using Online Videos for Disability Awareness. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 80(8), 19-24.
Columna, L., Senne, T., & Lytle, R. (2009). Communicating with Hispanic Parents of Children with Disabilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 80(4), 48-54.
Foley, J.T., Wood, B., Lieberman, L. (2008) Teaching Strategies with Pedometers for All Children. RE:view: Rehabilitation and Education for Blindness and Visual Impairment, 39(4), 206-212.
Foley, J.T., Bryan, R.R., & McCubbin, J.A. (2008) Daily Physical Activity Levels of Elementary School-Aged Children with and without Mental Retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities,20(4), 365-378.
Foley, J.T., Harvey, S., Kim, S.Y., & Chun, H.J. (2008) The Relationships among Fundamental Motor Skills, Health-Related Physical Fitness, and Body Fatness in Korean Adolescents with Mental Retardation. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(2), 149-157.
Beets, M.W., & Foley, J.T. (2008) The Association of Paternal Involvement and Neighborhood Quality to Kindergartener’s Physical Activity: A Multilevel Structural Equation Model. American Journal of Health Promotion, 22(3),195-203.
Lieberman, L., Lytle, R., & Columna, L. (2008).Placement for Individuals with Disabilities. Viewpoint-APAC. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 79(9), 7-8.
Columna, L., Pyfer, J., Senne, T., Velez, L., Canabal, M., & Bridenthrall, N (2008). Parental Expectations of Adapted Physical Educators: A Hispanic Perspective. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 25(3), 228-246.
Foley, J.T. Tindal, D., Lieberman, L.,& Kim S.Y., (2007) How to Develop Disability Awareness Using the Sport Education Model. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 78(9), 32-37.
Beets, M.W., Combs, C., Pitetti, K.H., Morgan, M., Bryan, R.R., & Foley, J.T. (2007) Accuracy of Pedometer Steps and Time for Youth with Disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 24(3), 228-244.
Beets, M.W., Foley, J.T. Tindal, D., & Lieberman, L. (2007) Accuracy of Voice-Announcement Pedometers for Youth with Visual Impairment. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 24(3), 218-227.
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Beets, M.W., Eilert, A.G., Pitetti, K.H., & Foley, J.T. (2006) Student and Parent Self-Reported Changes in Physical Activity Behavior While Wearing a Pedometer. Pediatric Exercise Science, 18(4), 492-499.
MacDonald, C., Jones, K. & Istone, M. (2006). Positive behavioral support. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 17, 20-24.
Usera, P., Foley, J.T., & Yun, J. (2005) Cross Validation of Field Based Assessments of Body Composition for Individuals with Down Syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 22(2), 198-206.
MacDonald, C., & Block, M.E. (2005). Self-advocacy in physical education for students with physical disabilities. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and
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Media and General Interest Articles
HealthLinkOnAir Radio Interviews
- Adapting physical education to include those with disabilities – 10/30/13
- Ballet therapy for children with Cerebral Palsy – 6/12/13
Journal/Magazine Publications
Step training program for children with spina bifida featured in Upstate Health magazine
SU Fit Families Autism Program
SU Fit Families Program featured in Daily Orange
SU Fit Families Visual Impairment Program