Disability and Inclusion on College Campuses

December 4, 2018

Noted Disability Studies Scholar Jay Dolmage Speaking on Disability and Inclusion on College Campuses

In this captioned videorecording of Prof. Jay T. Dolmage’s public presentation at Syracuse University, on 12/4/18 in the Watson Theater, Jay stands at the podium, initially accompanied by Dr. Diane R. Wiener, who is also standing, in preparation to welcome everyone, to introduce Jay and his presentation on Academic Ableism, and to introduce Prof. Steve Kuusisto.  Diane then moves off camera.

(NOTE: The entire event is interpreted in American Sign Language [ASL] and live captions are provided, throughout.)

Prof. Steve Kuusisto, who is seated at an adjacent table, with his guide dog, Caitlyn, nearby, remains on-camera, and will assist in introducing each component of Jay’s presentation.

A large screen is at the front of the room, upon which will be projected Jay’s presentation slides, to be image described by him, verbally.  Live captions will also be projected on this screen.

Two American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are seated to the right of the audience, in front of a whiteboard, on which is written a “tiny url” website address for a live survey, which will be used, as Diane will explain, to assist with gathering audience questions and comments, anonymously and accessibly.  These comments and questions will be read, later, into a microphone, by Heather Ryerson, seated in the front row, as part of the “Q&A” (question and answer) and discussion component of the event, following Jay’s remarks.

Noted Disability Studies Scholar Jay Dolmage to Speak on Disability and Inclusion on College Campuses – Syracuse University News