The Burton Blatt Institute welcomes our new Director of Research Administration, Ingrid Stefano. Originally from Norway, Ingrid has worked within financial grant management at a Norwegian university prior to joining BBI. Her background spans grant management, financial planning and analysis, financial reporting as well as finance transformation, service delivery design, and process improvement. As a former Manager at a Big 4 management consulting firm, she has worked with a broad range of organizations and industries, but is particularly interested in mission-driven organizations. She holds both an MA and MBA from universities in the U.S. and completed her undergraduate studies in Norway and Italy. As Director of Research Administration at BBI and in liaison with the Office of Research, she will oversee BBI’s budget, proposal processes and grant administration, including ensuring compliance with SU administrative processes.
New Episode 132: Nurse’s Guide to the ADA: Understanding Responsibilities in Caring for Patients with Disabilities
One of the most important issues for people with disabilities is being able to get the health care they need in their communities.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH):
People with disabilities often experience a wide and varying range of health conditions leading to poorer health and shorter lifespan. In addition, discrimination, inequality and exclusionary structural practices, programs and policies [that] inhibit access to timely and comprehensive health care, which further results in poorer health outcomes. (Source:
BBI welcomes Dr. Schuyler Lawson, Research Associate
The Burton Blatt Institute welcomes our new research assistant Schuyler Lawson. Schuyler brings a wealth of experience in mixed-method research, including experiments and quasi-experiments. His impressive background includes his role as an Epidemiology Fellow at the Erie County Department of Health, Office of Health Equity. He holds a PhD from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Dr. Lawson specializes in health disparities, tobacco-related health disparities, tobacco control policy, and tobacco cessation. He is experienced in survey design, qualitative and quantitative methodology, data visualization, and managing small to moderate-sized research teams. Continue Reading
New Episode 131: Making State Government Programs and Services Accessible
Each July we celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The United States has come a long way in fulfilling the promise of the ADA since President George H.W. Bush signed the ADA into law on July 26, 1990, and said “let the shameful wall of exclusion come tumbling down”. Continue Reading
BBI welcomes Montserrat Avila Acosta, Senior Research Associate
The Burton Blatt Institute welcomes our new senior research assistant Montserrat Avila Acosta. Montserrat is a PhD candidate in Public Administration and Policy at SUNY Albany. Prior to her doctoral studies, Montserrat earned an M.A. in Economics from Penn State. Her research experience spans multiple projects in topics like health, education, and poverty. Prior to joining BBI, Montserrat worked in research projects at the Coalition for Applied Modeling for Prevention (CAMP) and The World Bank. She is interested in the use of advanced quantitative methods to address public policy issues. Montserrat Avila-Acosta currently serves as a Senior Research Associate at BBI.
BBI Chairman, Peter Blanck’s, 2nd edition of Disability Law and Policy released for the coming 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Burton Blatt Institute Chairman and University Professor at Syracuse University, Peter Blanck’s 2nd edition of book titled Disability Law and Policy book was released in honor of the 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). Disability Law and Policy provides an overview of the themes and insights in disability law. It is a compelling compendium of stories about how our legal system has responded to the needs of impacted individuals.
New Episode 129: Employment Discrimination and the ADA: Insights from the EEOC
Each month, the 10 ADA Centers receive hundreds of calls and emails asking for disability-related information and guidance on their legal rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Many people ask about their employment rights or about an employer’s duty to an employee with a disability. Continue Reading
BBI awarded MetLife Foundation-Lender Center Racial Wealth Gap Grant
“Disability as a Critical Element in Exploring the Racial Wealth Gap” Led by BBI Research Director Nanette Goodman and BBI Chairman Peter Blanck, researchers will identify challenges faced by Black, Indigenous and People of Color individuals with disabilities and will examine the role of disability in the racial wealth gap. They plan to develop recommendations regarding policies and practices that limit economic inclusion and trap people with disabilities into poverty.
Read the entire announcement.
Episode ADA Live! Episode 128: Helping Youth and Adults with Autism Build Independent Lives
It’s April and in recognition of Autism Acceptance Month, we will talk about the rights autistic people have under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Many people who are autistic or are neurodivergent have difficulty with social situations and personal interactions. We will also offer strategies for coping with workplace and community barriers. Our guest for this episode is Stacey Hoaglund, the President of the Board of Directors for the Autism Society of Florida.
New Episode ADA Live! Episode 127: What Are Developmental Disabilities Councils?
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, when we raise awareness and promote acceptance of people with developmental disabilities. In thinking about the barriers faced by people with developmental disabilities and their families, it can be hard to find up-to-date information on the quality services and programs you need to live independently in the community. One important resource for this information is the state Developmental Disabilities Councils, often called “DD Councils.” Our guest for this episode of ADA Live! is Johnny Callebs, the Executive Director of the Kentucky Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities.