G. Anthony Giannoumis

G. Anthony GiannoumisVisiting International Research Fellow, Ph.D candidate

Curriculum Vita (PDF)

Norway disability researcher and advocate, G. Anthony Giannoumis, has been appointed a Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) Visiting International Research Fellow . Mr. Giannoumis will be instrumental to the research team at BBI on the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure – Automated Personalization Computing Project (GPII-APCP).

Anthony’s research focuses on technology law and policy. He is currently researching the implementation of policies aimed at ensuring equal access to technology. His research interests include universal design, international governance, social regulation, and standardization, and he has also conducted research on assistive technology, and intellectual property.

He is currently an assistant professor of universal design at the Department of Computer Science at Oslo and Akershus University College, a researcher with DISCIT – making persons with disabilities full citizens, and a legal and ethical advisor for Cloud4All – Cloud platforms lead to open and universal access for people with disabilities and for all. He is also a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law at Maastricht University.

Anthony has previously been awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship and has been a visiting researcher and guest lecturer at Syracuse University, the University of Ireland, Galway, the University of Ireland, Maynooth, the Communications University of China, the University of Rome and the University of Padua.