Benoit Eyraud

Benoit EyraudInternational Visiting Fellow, Ph.D.

Benoît Eyraud is a senior lecturer at the University of Lyon, a team member of POCO (Policies of Knowledge) at the Centre Max Weber and a delegation researcher at the Study Centre for social movements (CNRS/EHESS/Paris).

After leading various research programs on regulation restoration in the fields of mental health, disability and dependency within the framework of Collectif Contrast, Benoît Eyraud introduced a scientific and citizen-based initiative on the challenges of exercising rights for persons with disabilities (Confcap Capdroits). From this perspective, he is particularly interested in issues of civil capacity and the controversy surrounding Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Within this context, Benoît Eyraud was also a participant in the inter-ministerial work group for the legal protection of adults and is an expert member of the well-treatment committee, a joint member of the National Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities (CNCPH) and the High Council for Family, Childhood, and Ages of life.

He is scientific director of the ANR Acsedroits project and the participative action-research program Capdroits (CNSA).

Featured recent publications:

  • Presumption of Capacity and Vulnerability in context of dementia:Exercising rights in troubled civil life, Culture Medicine and psychiatry (to be published 2019
  • La participation des personnes en situation de handicap au débat démocratique :Retours sur une démarche collaborative autour de la CDPH / Participation of persons with disabilities in democratic debate: looking back on a participative approach about UN Convention on the rights of Persons with disabilities, Participation, revue de sciences humaines et sociales, 2019
  • Choisir et agir pour autrui? Controverse autour de la convention de l’ONU sur les droits des personnes handicapées (avec C. Hanon et J. Minoc), Doin, 2018
  • Contrainte et consentement en santé mentale, forcer, influencer, coopérer (avec Livia Velpry et Pierre Vidal-Naquet), PUR, 2018
  • Civil capacity and legal restrictions : a scientific and citizen based forum and action in support of a change of outlook and practices (2018), Download the Platform for Advocacy booklet
  • All vulnerable, all capable, Capdroits Manifesto (2018)