Barry Whaley

Barry WhaleyDirector Southeast ADA Center (SEADA) and Outreach, M.S.
Curriculum Vita (PDF)

Barry Whaley is the Director of the Southeast ADA Center, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University.  Funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, the Southeast ADA Center is one of ten regional centers that provide guidance, publications, research, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act.   Previously, he was project director of the Supported Higher Education Project at the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute.  This project, one of twenty-six original Transitional Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, explored the supports necessary for students with significant impact of disability to be successful in the post-secondary college environment.  At UK he also provided ADA Title I Employment Consulting for employers, employees, and families and also provided analysis of Year One Year Out student data for the Kentucky Post-School Outcome Center.   Previously, he was a Consultant for Atlas Research providing technical assistance and training for the Homeless Veterans Supported Employment Project.   For many years, he was the Executive Director of Community Employment, Inc. a non-profit supported employment provider that focused exclusively on providing integrated competitive and customized employment and self-employment opportunities for people with significant disabilities.  He has worked for the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and began his career with the “New Neighbors” deinstitutionalization project.  He is a founding board member and past president of Kentucky APSE.

Barry holds two Bachelor of Arts Degrees from Indiana University and a Master of Science in Mediation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution from Sullivan University.


Hyseni,F., Avila-Acosta, M., Goodman, N., Pagano, G., Lawson, S., Whaley, B., Williamson, P., & Blanck, P. (2025). Dismantling Barriers: How Disability, Race, and Other Characteristics Influence Employment Outcomes. Burton Blatt Institute Research Brief #1 – January 2025.


Whaley, B., Martinis, J., Pagano, G., Barthol, S., Senzer, J., Williamson, P., Blanck, P., (2024) The Americans with Disabilities Act and Equal Access to Public Spaces, Laws 13: 5. available at


Walia, B., McDonald, K., Hammel, J., Frieden, L., Morris, M., Whaley, B., Nguyen, V., (2023) Economic Equity and People with Disabilities: Development and Characterization of a Novel Index, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, available at

Whaley, B., Williamson, P., (2023) The ADA, Addiction, and Recovery, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, vol. 58, no. 3, 299-305. available at:


Whaley, B., Williamson, P., Goodman, N.  (2022) Financial Inclusion and Pathways to Employment for People with Disabilities, American Banker Magazine (in preparation).

Whaley, B., Williamson, P., Goodman, N., Altunkol-Wise, F., Morris, M. (2022) Inclusion for all: improving banking practices for customers with disabilities. available at:


Blanck, P., Baker, A., Barrett, C., Battisto, J., Gellerstein, J., Irogue, E., Martinis, J., Nanni, A., Rees, M., Torres, C., Whaley, B., Williamson, P., Felakos, J. (2021) Inclusive Public Space: Law, Universality and Difference in the Accessibility of Streets.


Williamson, P. R., Morder, M. J., & Whaley, B. A. (2020) The ADA and Face Mask Policies [Fact sheet].


Morris, M., Williamson, P., Whaley, B., Cummins, R., Adya, M., & SE ADA PAR Team. (2019).  Draft Quality Indicators Financial Inclusion Tool (QI-FIT). On file with author.


Sheppard-Jones, K., Kleinert, H., Butler, L., Whaley, B., Volume 56 Number 1, (2018) 69-74.  Life Outcomes for Young Adults with Intellectual Disability in Higher Education. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Whaley, B.A., Walters, C., (2017) Service Animals in the Workplace, America’s Job Exchange Employer’s Blog.

Whaley, B.A., (2017) When Things Aren’t As They Seem (Non-Obvious Disability and Employment, America’s Job Exchange Employer’s Blog, Boston, MA.


Grigal, M., Whaley, B. (2016). What is inclusive higher education for people with intellectual disabilities, and how does it connect to vocational rehabilitation? A primer for VR leaders and practitioners. VR and Youth Rehabilitation Research and Training Center Practice Brief, Issue No. 01. Rockville, MD: TransCen, Inc.

Butler, L., Sheppard-Jones, K., Whaley, B., Harrison, E. & Osness, M. volume 44 (2016) 295-298. Does Participation in higher education make a difference in quality of life for students with Intellectual disability? Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Whaley, B. (2016) Should I Disclose my Disability During a Job Search? America’s Job Exchange Employer’s Blog blog.

Whaley, B. A., Cummins, R., Williamson, P., Killeen, M., Adya, M., Morder, M., & Morris, M. W. (2016). Pathways to careers: An Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) roadmap. ADA and Self-Advocacy for Youth – Train-the-Trainer Curriculum: An Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Roadmap.


Whaley, B., (2014) The Disability Landscape is Changing: Making Higher Education More Inclusive, Job Training and Placement Report volume 38, issue 12, Impact Publications Waupaca, WI.

Whaley, B., (2014) Employment Strategies for Returning Veterans Job Training and Placement Report, Oshkosh, WI Impact Publications.


Whaley, B. (2013) Job Development Strategies for Ex-Offenders, Job Training and Placement Report, Oshkosh, WI, Impact Publications.


Whaley, B., (2012).  Know Your Employment Rights under the ADA, A Guide for Veterans, Louisville, KY. National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation and Research (NIDRR).

Whaley, B.  (2001). Chapter 15, Transition to Employment.  Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities.  Upper Saddle River, NJ.  Merrill-Prentice Hall.