Montserrat Pereña Vicente to participate in Saks Institute Spring Symposium 2018

April 9, 2018

Saks Spring Symposium 2018, Held Against My Will, Mental Illness, Consent and the Law

BBI Senior Fellow Montserrat Pereña Vicente, Professor of Law and Senior Researcher at King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain will participate in the Saks Institute Spring Symposium 2018 “Held Against My Will: Mental Illness, Consent and the Law” presented by the Saks Institute for Mental Heal Law, Policy, and Ethics. The event is being held at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law.

Professor Pereña will take part in a Legal/International Conversation along with Judith Klein, Director of the Open Society Mental Health Initiative and Candice Player, Assistant Professor of Law at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Their discussion is being moderated by Elyn Saks, Director of the Saks Institute and BBI Board Member.

The symposium will focus on the topic of involuntary commitment and forced treatment for people with mental illness. It is free to attend, but registration is required.

Visit the Saks Institute website for information.

About the Saks Institute

The Saks Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy, and Ethics is a think tank founded to foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research among scholars and policymakers around issues of mental illness and mental health. As a research institute, the goal is to study issues at the intersection of law, mental health, and ethics as well as influence policy reform and advocacy actions for improved treatment of people with mental illness. Ultimately, an interdisciplinary approach to these important issues will promote a society of well-rounded persons who work with deep satisfaction and integrity and enjoy a clear mind.

About the Burton Blatt Institute

BBI reaches around the globe in its efforts to advance the civic, economic, and social participation of people with disabilities, with offices in Syracuse, NY, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta, Georgia. BBI builds on the legacy of Burton Blatt, a pioneering disability rights scholar, to better the lives of people with disabilities. For more information about BBI and the dates and locations of the seminar series, visit: