BBI hosts delegation from Kurumi-kai Welfare Foundation for Disabled in Japan

January 11, 2017


On January 10, 2017 BBI hosted a delegation from the Kurumi-kai Welfare Foundation for the Disabled in Japan. The delegation’s visit to the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University was to learn about its important history and the crucial role it has played and continues to play in advancing opportunities and community and economic participation for people with disabilities.

The Kurumi-kai Welfare Foundation for the Disabled provides a wide variety of services for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities in Japan including providing job training, and operating service centers, special schools for children, and nursing homes for adults.  The 5-person delegation is visiting the U.S. in January to study best practices and trends in programs and services for the developmentally disabled with a particular focus on job training and services and programs for children.

In addition to visiting the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, the delegation is also hoping to visit the Learning Disabilities Association of Central New York, and will be traveling to the West Coast to visit other organizations specializing in services for the developmentally disabled such as the Exceptional Children’s Foundation.